habibzain Just husband, father and enthusiastic men about System Administration. Love to write short article about it. Perhaps can help and be useful for others.

Install Zimbra 8.8.15 in Ubuntu 20.04 (Part 2)

5 min read

After making preparations in the previous post. So its time to continue install zimbra itself. This is step by step install zimbra 8.8.15 ubuntu. Lets go execute.

Download Binary Zimbra

We can access zimbra website and download source binary to install. And choose the type zimbra with the Operating System we have. Change directory to /opt and then download use wget.

cd /opt
wget https://files.zimbra.com/downloads/8.8.15_GA/zcs-8.8.15_GA_4179.UBUNTU20_64.20211118033954.tgz

after download finish, extract file.

tar -xzvf zcs-8.8.15_GA_4179.UBUNTU20_64.20211118033954.tgz
cd zcs-8.8.15_GA_4179.UBUNTU20_64.20211118033954
Operations logged to /tmp/install.log.gXXzMSmy
Checking for existing installation...
    zimbra-drive...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-imapd...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-patch...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-mta-patch...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-proxy-patch...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-license-tools...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-license-extension...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-network-store...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-network-modules-ng...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-chat...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-talk...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-ldap...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-logger...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-mta...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-dnscache...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-snmp...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-store...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-apache...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-spell...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-convertd...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-memcached...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-proxy...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-archiving...NOT FOUND
    zimbra-core...NOT FOUND

Do you agree with the terms of the software license agreement? [N] y

The system will be modified.  Continue? [N] y
DNS ERROR resolving MX for mail.habibza.in
It is suggested that the domain name have an MX record configured in DNS
Change domain name? [Yes] Yes

Create domain: [mail.habibza.in] habibza.in
        MX: mail.habibza.in (

Main menu

   1) Common Configuration:
   2) zimbra-ldap:                             Enabled
   3) zimbra-logger:                           Enabled
   4) zimbra-mta:                              Enabled
   5) zimbra-snmp:                             Enabled
   6) zimbra-store:                            Enabled
        +Create Admin User:                    yes
        +Admin user to create:                 [email protected]
******* +Admin Password                        UNSET
        +Anti-virus quarantine user:           [email protected]
        +Enable automated spam training:       yes
        +Spam training user:                   [email protected]
        +Non-spam(Ham) training user:          [email protected]
        +SMTP host:                            mail.habibza.in
        +Web server HTTP port:                 8080
        +Web server HTTPS port:                8443
        +HTTP proxy port:                      80
        +HTTPS proxy port:                     443
        +Web server mode:                      https
        +IMAP server port:                     7143
        +IMAP server SSL port:                 7993
        +IMAP proxy port:                      143
        +IMAP SSL proxy port:                  993
        +POP server port:                      7110
        +POP server SSL port:                  7995
        +POP proxy port:                       110
        +POP SSL proxy port:                   995
        +Use spell check server:               yes
        +Spell server URL:                     http://mail.habibza.in:7780/aspell.php
        +Configure for use with mail proxy:    TRUE
        +Configure for use with web proxy:     TRUE
        +Enable version update checks:         TRUE
        +Enable version update notifications:  TRUE
        +Version update notification email:    [email protected]
        +Version update source email:          [email protected]
        +Install mailstore (service webapp):   yes
        +Install UI (zimbra,zimbraAdmin webapps): yes

   7) zimbra-spell:                            Enabled
   8) Default Class of Service Configuration:
   s) Save config to file
   x) Expand menu
   q) Quit

Address unconfigured (**) items  (? - help)

Please selecet where number have asterisk symbol. Enter 6. input passwd admin.

See also  PFDel Script Delete Mail Queue Postfix and Zimbra

Setting Zimbra Admin Password

Store configuration

   1) Status:                                  Enabled
   2) Create Admin User:                       yes
   3) Admin user to create:                    [email protected]
** 4) Admin Password                           UNSET
   5) Anti-virus quarantine user:              [email protected]
   6) Enable automated spam training:          yes
   7) Spam training user:                      [email protected]
   8) Non-spam(Ham) training user:             [email protected]
   9) SMTP host:                               mail.habibza.in
  10) Web server HTTP port:                    8080
  11) Web server HTTPS port:                   8443
  12) HTTP proxy port:                         80
  13) HTTPS proxy port:                        443
  14) Web server mode:                         https
  15) IMAP server port:                        7143
  16) IMAP server SSL port:                    7993
  17) IMAP proxy port:                         143
  18) IMAP SSL proxy port:                     993
  19) POP server port:                         7110
  20) POP server SSL port:                     7995
  21) POP proxy port:                          110
  22) POP SSL proxy port:                      995
  23) Use spell check server:                  yes
  24) Spell server URL:                        http://mail.habibza.in:7780/aspell.php
  25) Configure for use with mail proxy:       TRUE
  26) Configure for use with web proxy:        TRUE
  27) Enable version update checks:            TRUE
  28) Enable version update notifications:     TRUE
  29) Version update notification email:       [email protected]
  30) Version update source email:             [email protected]
  31) Install mailstore (service webapp):      yes
  32) Install UI (zimbra,zimbraAdmin webapps): yes

Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] 4

Password for [email protected] (min 6 characters): [crMuMhrJ] passwdadmin

Disable Mail Proxy and Web Proxy

Note: On this installation, i am using single server mode. I am decided not using “Mail Proxy” and “Web Proxy”. So i am change to false option for “Mail Proxy” and “Web Proxy”.
+Configure for use with mail proxy: TRUE change to FALSE
+Configure for use with web proxy: TRUE Change to FALSE

See also  Setup SpamAssassin Block Email Spam Alma Linux 8 / Centos 8

Final result like below.

Store configuration

   1) Status:                                  Enabled
   2) Create Admin User:                       yes
   3) Admin user to create:                    [email protected]
   4) Admin Password                           set
   5) Anti-virus quarantine user:              [email protected]
   6) Enable automated spam training:          yes
   7) Spam training user:                      [email protected]
   8) Non-spam(Ham) training user:             [email protected]
   9) SMTP host:                               mail.habibza.in
  10) Web server HTTP port:                    80
  11) Web server HTTPS port:                   443
  12) Web server mode:                         redirect
  13) IMAP server port:                        143
  14) IMAP server SSL port:                    993
  15) POP server port:                         110
  16) POP server SSL port:                     995
  17) Use spell check server:                  yes
  18) Spell server URL:                        http://mail.habibza.in:7780/aspell.php
  19) Configure for use with mail proxy:       FALSE
  20) Configure for use with web proxy:        FALSE
  21) Enable version update checks:            TRUE
  22) Enable version update notifications:     TRUE
  23) Version update notification email:       [email protected]
  24) Version update source email:             [email protected]
  25) Install mailstore (service webapp):      yes
  26) Install UI (zimbra,zimbraAdmin webapps): yes

Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r]

press ‘r’ to previous menu.

Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] r

Main menu

   1) Common Configuration:
   2) zimbra-ldap:                             Enabled
   3) zimbra-logger:                           Enabled
   4) zimbra-mta:                              Enabled
   5) zimbra-snmp:                             Enabled
   6) zimbra-store:                            Enabled
   7) zimbra-spell:                            Enabled
   8) Default Class of Service Configuration:
   s) Save config to file
   x) Expand menu
   q) Quit

*** CONFIGURATION COMPLETE - press 'a' to apply
Select from menu, or press 'a' to apply config (? - help) a
Save configuration data to a file? [Yes]
Save config in file: [/opt/zimbra/config.25223]
Saving config in /opt/zimbra/config.25223...done.
The system will be modified - continue? [No] Yes
Operations logged to /tmp/zmsetup.20220419-141101.log
Setting local config values...
Operations logged to /tmp/zmsetup.20220419-141101.log
Setting local config values...done.
Initializing core config...Setting up CA...done.
Deploying CA to /opt/zimbra/conf/ca ...done.
Creating SSL zimbra-store certificate...done.
Creating new zimbra-ldap SSL certificate...done.
Creating new zimbra-mta SSL certificate...done.
Installing mailboxd SSL certificates...done.
Installing MTA SSL certificates...done.
Installing LDAP SSL certificate...done.
Initializing ldap...done.
Setting replication password...done.
Setting Postfix password...done.
Setting amavis password...done.
Setting nginx password...done.
Setting BES searcher password...done.
Creating server entry for mail.habibza.in...done.
Setting Zimbra IP Mode...done.
Saving CA in ldap...done.
Saving SSL Certificate in ldap...done.
Setting spell check URL...done.
Setting service ports on mail.habibza.in...done.
Setting zimbraFeatureTasksEnabled=TRUE...done.
Setting zimbraFeatureBriefcasesEnabled=TRUE...done.
Checking current setting of zimbraReverseProxyAvailableLookupTargets
Querying LDAP for other mailstores
Searching LDAP for reverseProxyLookupTargets...done.
Adding mail.habibza.in to zimbraReverseProxyAvailableLookupTargets
Updating zimbraLDAPSchemaVersion to version '1571057268'
Setting TimeZone Preference...done.
Initializing mta config...done.
Setting services on mail.habibza.in...done.
Adding mail.habibza.in to zimbraMailHostPool in default COS...done.
Creating domain habibza.in...done.
Setting default domain name...done.
Creating domain habibza.in...already exists.
Creating admin account [email protected].
Creating root alias...done.
Creating postmaster alias...done.
Creating user [email protected].
Creating user [email protected].
Creating user [email protected].
Setting spam training and Anti-virus quarantine accounts...done.
Initializing store sql database...done.
Setting zimbraSmtpHostname for mail.habibza.in...done.
Configuring SNMP...done.
Setting up syslog.conf...done.
Starting servers...done.
Enabling jetty logging...done.
Installing common zimlets...
Finished installing common zimlets.
Restarting mailboxd...done.
Creating galsync account for default domain...done.

You have the option of notifying Zimbra of your installation.
This helps us to track the uptake of the Zimbra Collaboration Server.
The only information that will be transmitted is:
        The VERSION of zcs installed (8.8.15_GA_4179_UBUNTU20_64)
        The ADMIN EMAIL ADDRESS created ([email protected])

Notify Zimbra of your installation? [Yes]

After finish, login as zimbra user and check running service.

su - zimbra
zimbra@mail:~$ zmcontrol status
Host mail.habibza.in
        amavis                  Running
        antispam                Running
        antivirus               Running
        ldap                    Running
        logger                  Running
        mailbox                 Running
        mta                     Running
        opendkim                Running
        service webapp          Running
        snmp                    Running
        spell                   Running
        stats                   Running
        zimbra webapp           Running
        zimbraAdmin webapp      Running
        zimlet webapp           Running
        zmconfigd               Running

If running all, you can access zimbra admin via browser.

See also  Zimbra Open Source Server Migration and Account Transfer
 install zimbra 8.8.15 ubuntu
zimbra admin

Login with passwd that created in above.

 install zimbra 8.8.15 ubuntu

That is short article about install zimbra 8.8.15 ubuntu. May be it’s helpful, please feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions and I’ll appreciate it.

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habibzain Just husband, father and enthusiastic men about System Administration. Love to write short article about it. Perhaps can help and be useful for others.

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2 Replies to “Install Zimbra 8.8.15 in Ubuntu 20.04 (Part 2)”

  1. Hello, thanks for your contribution. I have an open source zimbra 8.8.15 on ubuntu 20.04, they are a single server and storage, that is, two servers, both robust. My issue is that I already exceeded 9,000 emails and my team crashes all the time.
    How many accounts does zimbra open source support and for that number of accounts do I need a new infrastructure? Thank you

    1. Thank you for responding to my article, I am very happy with your comment.

      As far as I know, Zimbra actually has no limit on the number of users.
      To determine Zimbra infrastructure, the basic consideration is the amount of hourly traffic or daily email traffic. not how many users there are.
      For example, if you have 9000 users and there are only 10000 incoming and outgoing email transactions, then a single server is enough.
      but if email transactions reach hundreds of thousands, then a multi server setup is the right choice.
      separate LDAP, MTA, and Mailbox services.

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