What happens if our windows computer dial vpn? By default, our internet gateway follows the vpn default gateway. All internet traffic will go through the VPN. Not through gateway internet traffic before dial vpn. This post will simply describe about disable default gateway when windows dial vpn.
Simple Question
What if we don’t want all traffic through the vpn gateway?
- It means that not all internet traffic is via dial vpn.
Here’s how to disable the default gateway VPN.
1. Open Ethernet Setting > Change Adapter Option
2. Select VPN Interface
3. Click Properties in vpn status window
4. Select tab “Networking”, and then IP v4 -> Properties.
5. Select Advanced
6. Uncheck Use Default Gateway
In tab ip setting, uncheck Use default gateway on remote netwok. The last, will show notification connect and disconnect VPN.
7. Check IP Route for Make Sure
finally, check ip route via CMD.
That is simple method to disable default gateway when windows dial vpn. May be it’s helpful, please feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions and I’ll appreciate it.