Hi buddy, as a zimbra mail server user, I’ve experienced opening zimbra webmail only loading, stuck open webmail. Unable to open zimbra page. There is error zimbra Unable to index in zimbra log.

I have to check the mail log via /opt/zimbra/log/mailbox.log. And after being investigated for the account that I logged in it displays the WARN log as below.
2022-01-20 09:27:49,311 WARN [Index-7] [[email protected];mid=549;] index - Unable to index: x-microsoft-antispam-message-i
2022-01-20 09:27:49,311 WARN [Index-7] [[email protected];mid=549;] index - Unable to index: x-ms-exchange-antispam-message
2022-01-20 09:27:49,311 WARN [Index-7] [[email protected];mid=549;] index - Unable to index: x-ms-exchange-antispam-message
2022-01-20 09:27:49,311 WARN [Index-7] [[email protected];mid=549;] index - Unable to index: x-ms-exchange-antispam-message
2022-01-20 09:27:49,311 WARN [Index-7] [[email protected];mid=549;] index - Unable to index: x-ms-exchange-antispam-message
After googling, I decided I had to re-index my account. I found this link. https://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/How_to_delete_index_data
Follow step by step.
Following are the exact steps to remove and re-create the index data
Get user mailbox and ID
Pick user ‘[email protected]’ and obtain the mailbox ID:
zmprov gmi [email protected]
Once you got the ID, for example ’13’, then the location of the index data would be:
If ID is 14, then the location would be :
Remove Data Index
Now required to remove data from ‘/opt/zimbra/index/0/13/index/0/’ location.
rm -rf /opt/zimbra/index/0/13/index/0/*
Reindex account.
zmprov rim [email protected] start
It will regenerate the index for “[email protected]” account.
Check Status Index
To know the status of reindex
zmprov rim [email protected] status
Finally, after with zmprov rim [email protected] status
i am grep the mailbox.log and found “index – Batch complete processed”. And now, my webmail can open correctly.
2022-01-07 16:37:52,322 INFO [ReIndex-1] [name=[email protected];mid=294;] index - Batch complete processed=44,failed=0,elapsed=1633 (26.94 items/sec)
2022-01-07 16:37:52,322 INFO [ReIndex-1] [name=[email protected];mid=294;] index - Re-index completed items=44,failed=0,elapsed=3690318 (avg 83870 ms/item, 0 items/sec)
That is easy way to solve zimbra unable index base on mailbox log. May be it’s helpful, please feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions and I’ll appreciate it.