
Easy Fix Missing mirrorlist http://mirrorlist.centos.org on CentOS 7

When running yum update or command that utilize the yum system, errors similar to the following are produced: If you’re encountering...
1 min read

Setup dnsmasq on CentOS / RHEL / Rocky / Almalinux 7/8/9

In the realm of networking and system administration, efficient DNS (Domain Name System) management is crucial for seamless communication between devices....
1 min read
alma linux setting amavis clamav

Install Amavisd and ClamAV on Alma Linux 8 / Centos 8 / RHEL 8

This is preface. Amavis (A Mail Virus Scanner) is a high-performance interface between a message transfer agent (MTA) such as Postfix and content filters....
3 min read
Setup SpamAssassin Block Email Spam in Alma Linux 8

Setup SpamAssassin Block Email Spam Alma Linux 8 / Centos 8

Hi Dude. Today, i will write about anti spam with spamassassin in Alma Linux 8.SpamAssassin is a free, open-source, flexible and...
24 sec read

Easy Install and Configure Certbot Lets Encrypt Apache on Centos 7

Tutorial today, how to easy Install and Configure Certbot Lets Encrypt Apache on Centos 7 and auto renewal cert. At First,...
3 min read

Install Apache PHP-FPM Centos 7

Today I want to write about install apache web server with PHP-FPM as a php handler in Centos7. PHP-FPM is an...
3 min read
Add Static Route on CentOS

Easy Add Static Route on CentOS

When we face the situation where different subnet cannot be accessed through your default gateway. So, we have to add static...
43 sec read

Install ISPConfig Centos7

Today, I am going to create a simple web panel dashboard. Which its main task is to handle web server and...
4 min read
Ifconfig Centos 7

Ifconfig Centos 7

Hi Guys, for new users centos 7 will be confused for the show IP address. Users who usually use “ifconfig” they...
18 sec read

PFlogsumm – Daily Report Postfix Monitoring on CentOS 6

Pflogsumm is a simple Perl script that monitors your Postfix mail server’s activity. This guide will show you how to install...
1 min read