Note About devOps. Development and Operation
Introduction Ansible is an open-source automation tool that simplifies configuration management, application deployment, and task automation. It is designed to be...
Hi Dude, before I start this article, I hope you have finished and succeeded in article part 1 – Install Tomcat9...
Hi Dude, today i will make a post about install tomcat apache mod jk running in one node/server. In my post...
Hi Dude, Today is happy day, hahha. Ok just do it. This article about apache enable mod status. Enabling the Apache...
Today, i will post about install Tomcat9 in Ubuntu 20.04. Tomcat is software is an open source implementation of the Jakarta...
This post will simply explain setting HA Cluster with Corosync and Pacemaker Ubuntu 20.04 Server. Please read carefully step by step....
On this post today, i will write about an easy way to install docker on ubuntu 20.04. Docker is an application...
Tutorial today, how to easy Install and Configure Certbot Lets Encrypt Apache on Centos 7 and auto renewal cert. At First,...