habibzain Just husband, father and enthusiastic men about System Administration. Love to write short article about it. Perhaps can help and be useful for others.

Apache Increase Request Timeout

1 min read

Increasing the request timeout in Apache typically involves adjusting the Timeout directive in your Apache configuration. The Timeout directive defines the maximum time (in seconds) that Apache will wait for various types of requests to be completed. In this article we will explain easy Apache Increase Request Timeout.

Here’s how you can increase the request timeout in Apache:

Open Apache configuration file:

The location of your Apache configuration file may vary depending on your operating system and Apache setup.
Common locations include /etc/httpd/httpd.conf or /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf or /etc/apache2/apache2.conf on Linux, or httpd.conf on Windows.
Use a text editor or the command line to open the configuration file with administrative privileges.

Locate the Timeout directive:

Search for the Timeout directive in the configuration file. If it doesn’t exist, you can add it to the appropriate section of the file, typically within the main server or a specific virtual host configuration.

Adjust the timeout value:

Set the value of the Timeout directive to the desired timeout value in seconds. For example, to set a timeout of 120 seconds (2 minutes), you would add or modify the line as follows:

Timeout 120
increase apache timeout

Save the configuration file and restart Apache: After making the changes, save the configuration file, and then restart Apache to apply the new timeout settings. You can usually restart Apache with a command like:

sudo service apache2 restart # On Ubuntu/Debian


sudo systemctl restart httpd # On CentOS/RHEL


httpd -k restart # On Windows

Please note that increasing the request timeout can have implications for your server’s performance and the user experience. It may lead to longer response times for clients, and it’s essential to consider the specific needs of your web application or website.

See also  Install Mod JK Status Apache Tomcat in Ubuntu 20.04 - Part II

If you’re increasing the timeout to accommodate long-running requests, make sure your server’s resources and configuration can handle those extended request processing times.

See Also Other Article: php Increase Request Timeout

That is simply way to Increase Request Timeout in apache. Please feel free for comment out. Maybe usefull.

habibzain Just husband, father and enthusiastic men about System Administration. Love to write short article about it. Perhaps can help and be useful for others.

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One Reply to “Apache Increase Request Timeout”

  1. Hello,
    Thanks for posting the solution Actually in my application we make use of httpd. An API took more than 30 minutes to process but after at 10 min I am getting “504 Gateway Time-out” I have increased the time but still getting 504 Gateway Time-out at 10 min.
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 504 ()
    Could you helo me with this.

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