habibzain Just husband, father and enthusiastic men about System Administration. Love to write short article about it. Perhaps can help and be useful for others.

Add Linux Server Integration for Grafana Cloud

2 min read

The Linux integration for Grafana Cloud enables us to collect metrics related to the operating system running on a node/server. Including aspects like CPU usage, load average, memory usage, and disk and networking I/O using the well-known node_exporter. It also allows you to use the agent to scrape logs with promtail. Supported files are syslog, auth.log, kern.log and journal logs. This article will help us to add linux for grafana cloud.

This integration includes sixteen useful alerts and two pre-built dashboards to help monitor and visualize Linux metrics and logs.

In Article before, how to create account in grafana cloud for free. And now how to integrate linux.

Part 1: Install Linux Server Integration for Grafana Cloud

To integrate linux server for grafana cloud please follow this step.

  1. In your Grafana instance, click Home > Connections > Connect data.
add linux for grafana cloud
  1. Navigate to the Linux Server tile and review the prerequisites. Then click Install integration.
  2. Once the integration is installed, follow the steps on the Configuration Details page to setup Grafana Agent and start sending Linux Server metrics to your Grafana Cloud instance.
  3. Copy code In box “Run this command to install …”, and then paste in our linux server.
add linux for grafana cloud
  1. Configure integrations. Set hostname and then modify file yaml in our linux server. Please attention, insert the code below integration. File grafana agent in /etc/grafana-agent.yaml.

Part 2: Modify Grafana Agent yaml

In our /etc/grafana-agent.yaml like this.

 <mark style="background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" class="has-inline-color has-luminous-vivid-amber-color"> <strong>node_exporter:
    enabled: true
    - replacement: mail.habibza.in
      target_label: instance</strong></mark>
    enabled: true
    - action: replace
      - agent_hostname
      target_label: instance
    - action: keep
      regex: (prometheus_target_.*|prometheus_sd_discovered_targets|agent_build.*|agent_wal_samples_appended_total|process_start_time_seconds)
      - __name__
  - basic_auth:
      password: glc_eyJvIjoiODI4NjA5IiwibiI6Im15LWFwaS1sYWIiLCJrIjoiMHY1V3o4VTl3OUJ0WDl0OWRpMlM0aXQ0IiwibSI6eyJyIjoicHJvZC1hcC1zb3V0aGVhc3QtMCJ9fQ==
      username: 925889
    url: https://prometheus-prod-18-prod-ap-southeast-0.grafana.net/api/prom/push
  - clients:
    - basic_auth:
        password: glc_eyJvIjoiODI4NjA5IiwibiI6Im15LWFwaS1sYWIiLCJrIjoiMHY1V3o4VTl3OUJ0WDl0OWRpMlM0aXQ0IiwibSI6eyJyIjoicHJvZC1hcC1zb3V0aGVhc3QtMCJ9fQ==
        username: 461913
      url: https://logs-prod-011.grafana.net/loki/api/v1/push
    name: integrations
      filename: /tmp/positions.yaml
    <strong><mark style="background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" class="has-inline-color has-luminous-vivid-amber-color">- job_name: integrations/node_exporter_journal_scrape
       max_age: 24h
         instance: mail.habibza.in
         job: integrations/node_exporter
      - source_labels: ['__journal__systemd_unit']
        target_label: 'unit'
      - source_labels: ['__journal__boot_id']
        target_label: 'boot_id'
      - source_labels: ['__journal__transport']
        target_label: 'transport'
      - source_labels: ['__journal_priority_keyword']
        target_label: 'level'
    - job_name: integrations/node_exporter_direct_scrape
      - targets:
        - localhost
          instance: mail.habibza.in
          __path__: /var/log/{syslog,messages,*.log}
          job: integrations/node_exporter</mark></strong>
  - name: integrations
    - basic_auth:
        password: glc_eyJvIjoiODI4NjA5IiwibiI6Im15LWFwaS1sYWIiLCJrIjoiMHY1V3o4VTl3OUJ0WDl0OWRpMlM0aXQ0IiwibSI6eyJyIjoicHJvZC1hcC1zb3V0aGVhc3QtMCJ9fQ==
        username: 925889

Restart grafana agent service.

systemctl restart grafana-agent.service

Wait a moment, and we will see graphic in our grafana cloud dashboard Integrations.

See also  Grafana Cloud Account for FREE
grafana cloud linux integration

NOTE: If your “instance name” not shown in list table, please check “position” and “alignment” yaml configuration in /etc/grafana-agent.yaml.

Part 3: How to Add Second Linux Integrations and So on?

Well, we can add second, third host linux and so on. Just repeat step number 4 in in Part 1. Copy and paste the code in box and then paste in linux host. After that modify file yaml in/etc/grafana-agent.yaml. The last restart service grafana agent.

grafana cloud linux integration

Here is example i have two server linux. We can add again later.

Maybe usefull. Please feel free for comment.

source: Linux Server integration for Grafana

habibzain Just husband, father and enthusiastic men about System Administration. Love to write short article about it. Perhaps can help and be useful for others.

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